New Turf Fertiliser
Fertiliser plays a vital role in producing fine, lush, new grass growth in established lawns but is fertiliser good for new lawns?
The right fertiliser helps to maintain a healthy lawn from day one and make it more resistant to damage during stressful times such as drought, reduced winter daylight hours, insect attack and weed growth.
In fact, a good quality fertiliser provides essential nutrition in the pre-turfing feed even before you’ve put down your new lawn. But not all fertilisers are created equal.
Fertiliser before laying new lawn
It’s important to make sure your soil is in tip top condition before laying new lawn.
Applying a starter fertiliser before laying turf will encourage deeper root growth and give your new lawn a real head start.
Grech’s Pre Turf Fertiliser is one of the best fertilisers for preparing the soil for new high quality instant turf or lawn seed.
The carefully balanced ratio of NPK encourages rapid development of a healthy root system as well as promotes lush new grass blade growth and disease resistance.
Remember to apply these fertilisers before you lay the new turf. It’s easiest to do this using our handy fertiliser spreader.

What’s The Best Product To Fertilise Newly Laid Turf?
Most lawn fertilisers will contain varying ratios of N (nitrogen), P (phosphorous), and K (potassium).
In simple terms, nitrogen helps the plants develop lush green growth, phosphorous promotes strong root development, while potassium boosts hardiness and disease resistance.
Exceed Liquid Fertiliser Concentrate is a great choice for all turf varieties in their growing stages and for established lawns.
And as a liquid concentrate this product will provide cost effective food for your instant turf lawn.
Seasol Fertiliser is another great liquid fertiliser. Its powerful liquid seaweed and compost mix encourages that strong root growth that is so important for a drought tolerant lawn.
The handy means that you simply attach the hose and spray and makes liquid fertiliser a great choice for the time poor.
Liquid fertilisers will help reduce lawn burn that can occur when granulated fertilisers are spread unevenly and not watered in properly.
The liquid formulation means that nutrients are instantly available to the new turf.
Liquid fertilisers such as Lawn Lovers Lawn Rescue can be really useful if you are laying a new lawn immediately but will also boost spring growth in an established lawn and speed up the recovery of a tired or damaged lawn.
Granular Fertiliser
A granular fertiliser such as Grech’s Pre Turf Fertiliser is the ideal choice for preparing the soil before you lay your new turf.
You’ll need to ensure that you water the grains into the soil so they can start providing that rich nourishment your great turf will love.
Grech’s Top Turf fertiliser is a perfect complete fertiliser for promoting lawn health through the winter months and giving your lawn the nutrient boost it needs for new spring growth.
Fertilise your lawn quickly and easily with our handy fertiliser spreader.
What Is The Best Fertiliser For New Turf?
Pre-Turf Fertiliser or Exceed Liquid Fertiliser Concentrate are the best fertilisers for newly laid high quality turf.
The carefully balanced ratio of NPK encourages rapid development of a healthy root system as well as promotes lush new grass blade growth and disease resistance.
Sir Walter / Buffalo
Sir Walter Fertiliser is a granulated fertiliser specially formulated for the Sir Walter Buffalo turf variety.
It’s designed for year round growth and nutrition and helps to maintain good winter colour in warm season grasses.
Exceed Liquid Fertiliser Concentrate provides a well-balanced range of nutrients for Couch turf.
Even though Pre Turf Fertiliser is designed for Buffalo grass varieties, it’s also an excellent choice for Couch.
Exceed Liquid Fertiliser Concentrate, Sir Walter Fertiliser, Grech’s Top Turf fertiliser, or Seasol Fertiliser are all great products that will provide a rich range of nutrients for Zoysia lawns.
Ant grass such as Kikuyu that features rapid growth tends to be a very hungry lawn.
The rich balance of nutrients in products such as Exceed Liquid Fertiliser Concentrate, Sir Walter Fertiliser, Grech’s Top Turf fertiliser, or Seasol Fertiliser will provide the nutrition Kikuyu grass needs to keep it lush and green.
When Should You Feed New Turf?
Wait two weeks after installing newly laid turf and then apply fertiliser. Make sure you water it in thoroughly, especially if you apply granulated fertiliser.
During the establishment phase, fertilise the new instant turf every eight weeks for the first twelve months.
Once you have a well established lawn you should fertilise your lawn early spring, early summer and mid autumn.
When Can I Start Mowing My New Turf
You need to let your turf become well established before you mow new lawns.
You’ll need to wait at least 14 days and until the grass has put down a good root system into the base soil layer.
If you mow too soon you risk damaging your beautiful lawn.